Food Compliant Engineering


Why You Should Have – PPM

PUWER / Due Diligence

Food Safety

Plant Reliability 

© 2011 Food Compliant Engineering 

Under PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations), any piece of equipment being operated within the work environment must be safe to use. It must also be kept in a safe state through out its life.

As a minimum the equipment must be regularly inspected. A PPM system will show that you are carrying out those inspections and that you have a history of doing so. This information is paramount if you unfortunately require a ‘due diligence’ defence at any time.


Having a PPM system will show that you are maintaining your site in a professional manor. Being able to demonstrate your maintenance programmes is required by the law, major retailers C.O.P.’s and the BRC.

It is well documented that regular inspections and replacement of worn parts, following a planned programme or predictive regime, gives a more dependable, reliable and safe plant.

A properly run and maintained PPM system will prevent unexpected plant failure. The ability to plan for downtime, allows the site to manage it staffing levels within a maintenance window, saving on overheads.

 Unexpected downtime is costly both on overheads and your reputation with your customer’s.